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Awareness – The Joshua Generation International Network

In schools, awareness is achieved by working with headmasters and teachers creating and helping run recreational clubs, bible clubs. Entrepreneurial clubs will encourage them to start thinking creatively. The school children will also look at ways of helping their community as a way of giving back.

We aim to empower the disadvantaged youth with skills to make them as self-sufficient as possible.  Part of this training is financial, we recognize the need for young people to be organized and contribute whatever little resources they may have and build through UNIT TRUSTS enough capital to start their PROJECTS and implement them so that they may attract additional external sources of FINANCE.  There is a need to seek to raise the next generation of millionaires who will become employers and hopefully remember the disadvantaged.

To promote good mental health where needed TJGIN will assist in building life skills in children and youth by providing them with psychological support.

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