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What We Do – The Joshua Generation International Network

Our Organisation, What We Do

THE JOSHUA GENERATION (TJG) is the world’s biggest MODERN ONLINE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN YOUTH BUSINESS CONSORTIUM NETWORK which is raising a generation of bold and courageous individuals who are fully motivated and empowered to COLLECTIVELY pursue their destiny with a sense of belief and trust that THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S (Josh 5:13-15) and  that He is faithful to bring it to pass.

Our vision grew from humble beginnings starting with implementation of solar street lights which offered partners a lucrative advertising deal that gave their brands visibility.  Our youth members still act as distributors, agents and partners of their products and services adding value to their endeavors.

Apart from individual contributions from our ADVISORY COUNCIL, TRUSTEES and MEMBERS, TJG has a wide network of PARTNERS within the public, private, IGO, and NGO sectors who sponsor our PROGRAMMES and PROJECTS. Our PARTNERS have rallied behind our dynamic and eminent vision in a way that has fast turned it to tangible reality. We are therefore not just a consortium of the youth but that of the world’s progressive brands and people.

We recognize the need for Old Mutual UNIT TRUSTS whose primary objective is to (1) COORDINATE youths with similar business interests, (2) helping them come up with winning BUSINESS MODELS, and (3) enabling them to build EQUITY CAPITAL for their businesses thereby positioning them strategically for other (4) external sources of finance such as the YOUTH FUND and other loan capital opportunities. The idea is to foster unity of purpose to hedge against apathy and the “wait and see” syndrome. We are a model that encourages youths to be youthful in their approach to business rather than waiting for the full availability of their required start-up capital.

We are currently consolidating our NGOs in different nations and growing our network of members to 50,000 by 2025. Our model of seven committee members represented at international, continental, regional, national, state, provincial, county, district and cell levels are trained according to our Christian values to ensure integrity and transparency which are the key delivery principles in our Vision statement.

We have a strong emphasis of empowerment rather than disempowering by hand outs, which we have been informed in some instances has left people feeling this way in the past.  Our aim is help people find different ways where possible to become part of their own solution.  Our awareness, empowerment and relief programmes will be built around these objectives.

We aim to help youth turn their dreams into reality using the collective power of our networks and stakeholders.



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