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Relief Programmes – The Joshua Generation International Network

Our RELIEF programmes are aimed at not only assisting the seemingly disadvantaged youths that are not able to contribute to our UNIT TRUSTS but also the widows, orphans and vulnerable children.

This is achieved through donations to the impoverished across the country and through social responsibility of our successful businesses and the mobilization of funds from well-wishers and the business community. We realise other hazards such as natural disasters, poverty and drought can happen thus leading to compromising and hard situations. We aim to build up a disaster relief fund for such emergencies.

By engaging the disadvantaged youths, widows and orphans in our PROGRAMMES and PROJECTS, we empower them to feel they have contributed towards the success of our vision.

We will look at different of ways of enabling youth, widows, orphans, and vulnerable children to be as self-sufficient as possible. Through our NGOS, we are purchasing land and hope to form  co-operatives which  will help all those involved to save money by distributing and sharing resources as well as having the facility to make bulk purchases.  Agriculture is one of the promising projects we have embarked on. The produce is distributed to the young and disadvantaged who are unable to work as TJGIN recognises and supports the elderly and local orphanages.  A percentage of cooperatives profit will be donated to TJG allowing more land and livestock to be purchased for others.

Using our head office staff they will choose projects in line with our vision, aims and objectives taking into consideration, funding, long lasting impact, and sustainability. For school projects we will seek to help gain support and funding where needed for infrastructure, water bore holes, solar panels, textbooks, and stationery for those who cannot afford to buy their own. Ensuring vulnerable children who have no packed lunch, get at least one meal a day at school. The girl child is supported by the provision of sanitary wear. Every child has a right to play and we will seek to provide footballs and playground equipment for impoverished schools were needed.

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