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Testimonial on Donations to India – The Joshua Generation International Network

Testimonial on Donations to India

 In News & Updates

Dear Pastor Ann Hubbard,

How are you?

Thank you so much for all your prayers and your financial support especially in this Covid crisis. God is so good and faithful.

Every penny what you have invested will be a huge blessing for our ministry. 

The  designated contribution what you have sent, we have used to replace the fans in elderly home and also we purchased coffin freezer box for the elderly people home which we can keep dead bodies before we buried them . 

 Also money has been spent for the medication of elderly as well as it is used for grocery to the pastors ( 50 families ) who has been faithfully working and who has been  struggling in this lockdown situation especially in this Covid. All the pastors are really happy through our little help.

I really appreciated each prayer warrior and the saints in your church, who has remembered us with the love of Jesus. Our prayers that God will increase and credit peace and financial blessing in your heavenly account according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.

Please continually pray for us. 

Every blessings,

Bishop Sudheer Kumar and family.



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